Hi Alan,

Thanks for that! And yes, Westlow Mere was it. The fishing rights differ so much from country to country. I believe access is not so expensive in Scotland as in England, or so I've been told. I would think there would be some nice spots if one looks a bit northward, away from the cities.

As for the hackle movement, as the hook bobs and is tossed a bit by the flow, I suppose the hackles will flutter, like flags on a pole. I wouldn't think much movement would be required, or even desired, since the real thing is supposed to be drowned anyway! But that's all conjecture, I do know they seem to work well for me. A lot of what is written in the books is, I think, what the writer imagins is happening as the fly drifts down through the current. What it really does, as you point out, could be quite different.

I believe some of the images Donald has posted of Tummel style fles from older books also look like they were tied on what we would call 2x shank hooks. Indeed, anglers have always made use of what they had on hand, and you know, that seems to work just fine.

- Jeff