Once in a past life, I lived in Spain for many years. I had a roomie that was from a small town in Extremadura and was from a large family. Anyway, he was out of town and his brother came up to Madrid to look for work and stayed with his room mates. The first weekend he said he would treat us to a fish dinner, you guessed it - Carp. Well, he prepared dinner to impress us and for thanks for letting him stay there with us. At dinner he brought out his prepared carp and we went at it. He asked me, in Spanish of course, "How is it?" I told him, "The truth, it tastes like adobe." From the others at the table, their expressions were more or less along those lines, too. He took it in stride and said, "Next weekend, I will make it with a special sauce that all of you will like." So, next weekend come around and we dine on carp with a special tomato sauce. Again, he asks how it is, and the question was directed to me. So, in all honestly I told him, "It tastes like tomato sauce covered adobe." The table erupted in laughter, including him. Not before he said (in Spanish, "***K!, Tomas, that's the way we eat them at home." I had to tell him, as kids in Albuquerque, we used to get bow practice in by hunting them down in the irrigation ditches and shooting them with bowfishing arrows, then using them for fertilizer. From what I understand, his mom wasn't a very good cook, either.

But, I have tried many different things in my quest for edibles.