Hey Robin,

Great Article. As a boy growing up in
coastal North Carolina, a week every summer
at the beach was something my family looked
forward to with relish. It was a magical
time for all of us. There was always plenty
to do and it was really fun stuff.*G* Not
that different from your recollections. My
folks are no longer with us, but I think of
them often and especially those times on the
water. My favorite recollection is probably
my mom cooking a ham for sunday dinner at
the cottage and going out to the little
pier and casting out a piece of the skin and
fat on her bottom rig. In no time at all,
she had a fat redfish on. My dad was on the
screened in front porch shaving when he
heard her yell. He grabbed his casting rod
and joined her, half shaven with shaving
cream still on half his face. The next door
neighbor was right behind him. My mom
hooked and landed several while they got no
bites at all until she finally let them in
on the secret bait. Good memories. Warm
regards, Jim