Alot of people don't like it when I say: If I were born back in the day when rules were being made in this country ( and I had the authority) I would have put a set-back/ easement/ access on every pond, lake. stream, crick and river that would allow the public full use of these water sources for recreation. It used to be that private land owners would only keep you off if they didn't want you hunting (gun issues) and never cared one way or the other if you were "only" fishing!! It's a sad state of affairs - the times we live in - me - me - me! If I had the money I would buy it all and open it all up - once and for all - for all Americans to enjoy! We are a VERY selfish nation! If you could never have owned a water source (by law) then we would be a much happier nation, after all - you can't miss owning something you never had (by law) in the first place. It never seems to amaze me when people try to take possession of water front when they have no legal right to do so and bar the public from access from the public's right to use a stream or whatever. My state of Pennsylvania has potentially hundreds of miles of streams that have been closed to the public (illegally) for a long time! You have to petition the courts to contest every last one of these thefts of public stream access - a daunting task, and the perpetrators know it! This is a soapbox I probably will never get down from, so I'll just give it a break for now!

Best regards, Dave S.