JC, Ron,
I truly wish we could meet all of you at Lowell, but the timing just isn't going to work out. DH works for a major university, and middle of Aug to end of Sep there are no vacations, no away trips for seminars or schools. Everyone is at work. It's just too critical of a time for incoming students and ironing out the kinks that happen every year during the start of a new school year. Plus, our own kids will be in school, and if we opt to take them on vacations or working-vacations, it leans toward the middle or end of the school year, not the beginning. I'm not sure I could get off of work during that time because the end of the month tends to be busier with shipments for the upcoming month.

Now then, if the Idaho Fish-In was at the end of in July---that wouldn't be a problem. Matter of fact, we can do the 2007 Idaho/Oregon Fish-In up at Owyhee right below the dam. The fishing is great then, and we can grab the Idahoans and West Oregonians at the same time. South Fork in Idaho is good in July, too. Plenty of fun and some good dinner fish, too.

Just a thought....