Quote Originally Posted by CM_Stewart View Post
Well, based on the number of emails I get from people who tried fly fishing and gave up because it was too complicated, I'd have to say yes, we are making fly fishing too difficult for beginners. I'm not sure who the "we" is (probably plenty of blame to go around) but there is definitely a perception among beginners that they have to know all about the bugs, have to buy lots of very expensive equipment and definitely have to take casting lessons. Even several people on this thread who say it doesn't have to be too difficult do say they should take casting lessons.
This times a hundred. I never claim to be an expert caster. I can't throw an entire fly line and don't need to. I can get by nicely, thank you and have never had a lesson. I've got maybe 1500 tied up in everything I own. Oh, and I don't know crap about bugs...