I was working on a brief somewhere, office or home office, and my mother called to tell me we were under attack. I switched on news in the background, but was focused on the brief. I can't explain it, but it's all pretty vague in my memory, and no, I can't tell you why the brief was that important, but it must have been.
Which is all the more curious because:
I can tell you exactly where I was when Kennedy was killed. (Chemistry class.)
I can tell you exactly where I was for the moon landing (Navy summer camp in Chapel Hill).
I can tell you exactly where I was when I first saw my wife (playing cards at fraternity house).
I can tell you exactly where i was when Columbia exploded (dressing for work)
I can tell you exactly where I was for several hurricanes (Betsy, Camille, Lillie, Katrina, Rita)