I have just completed the converting of all the "Readers Cast" articles over to PDF....

The total number of articles as of August 22nd 2011 is......663 articles.

I will continue to Update all article PDF folders (every two week) as new articles are posted on the Main Page of FAOL.

My next folder Update and converting to PDF is "Great Rivers" ....

25 folders have been update, with 21 folders remaining....

Many files are non- active and others have been been terminated for new articles due to the departure/death of of the columnist.

It was great to see a new article for "Just Old Flies and stuff" that file has been inactive for so long. I hope that more articles for "Just Old Flies and stuff" are sent in by the FAOL Members.

"Just Old Flies and stuff" status has been changed on my computer from Current-Inactive, to Current-Active! ~Parnelli