My wife and I were at Hetch Hetchy Res hiking the trail past Tueeulala Falls to Wapama Falls when this accident occurred. With the high water and overspray on the rocks everything around the falls is very slick.
A lot of folks who visit our Nations' parks have what I call "Amusement Park Mentallity." That is, they think everything is safe and staged, that they can't be harmed. These are not roller coaster rides at 6 flags. The warning signs should be heeded. My wife sat on a rock on the side of the trail by Wapama and the rock slipped. She came very close to going over the edge. A couple from Portand, OR happened to be close by and rescued her. Turns out thats what they do. Mountain search and rescue team members. Thank God they were there. I was back up the trail a ways and couldn't get to her. Let's be careful out there folks. Jim