Its really simple people. You cannot legally kill a raptor! I bought my son a 22 when I thought he was ready for one. The first thing I taught him after we both went through the official government gun safety program was never shoot a raptor of any kind. I had a single shot 22 when I was 11 as did all the kids in my neighborhood. It was just something everyone did back then. One of the first things my Dad and Granddad taught me was never ever shoot a raptor. We soon learned to limit our ammo to just game birds. If we brought home a few ducks, pheasants etc we got more ammo from the adults. If we wasted our shots we had to buy our own ammo. Lesson learned. In the southern Okanagan valley all the turkey vultures had disappeared when I was a kid. DDT was the culprit. This poison was used extensively by Orchardists to protect their fruit crops. But it was found that it moved through the food chain and caused bird eggs to become infertile and several bird species disappeared from the Okanagan. One day about 1990 a pair of vultures showed up along the ridges above our town. Next year there were 6 pair and each succeeding year there were more. It has taken several decades but the vultures have now fully recovered . Other species have also re emerged from near extinction. I hope the same happens with your goshawks. Osprey, a similar bird was once very rare around here have also made a dramatic comeback in our Valley.