Rumors of my demise by Ohiotuber are completely false. I really don't get much time to fish, but I don't sit idle either. Here are a few of the projects that occupy my time...

Homemade Cavatelli with my new Cavatelli maker.

Fettuccine Alfredo with pan seared chicken breast and broccoli, made with homemade pasta and homemade Alfredo sauce.

Honey whole wheat bread (made almost weekly) and a new addition to the bread line, honey whole wheat sandwich thins, just for Mama.

Chicken, pineapple and vegetable stir fry on a bed of vegetable fried brown rice

marinated chicken kebobs with sourdough no-knead bread, fried rice and a killer salad made by Mama.

I have many more, but I don't want anyone to require therapy from over indulging. It's very possible that one or two of these meals may turn up in the campground at the Michigan Fish-In in a couple of weeks.