I'm the president of a club that supports Reel Recovery both financially and with members who participate as "stream buddies" , facilitators and volunteers at retreats in Nevada, Utah, and Northern California. Since its inception, more than 1,000 men with various forms of cancer and in various stages of treatment have participated in the three day programs that provide lodging, meals, counseling, and fly fishing opportunities at no cost to the participants other than their transportation and fishing licenses expense. A typical retreat will start on a Wednesday afternoon with a meet and greet at the lodge or other facility that is hosting the event, and an evening session lead by a trained facilitator. Thursday morning after breakfast there will be another, short sesion and then it's off to the local water for casting instruction and then a day of fishing with a "stream buddy" who will instruct, coach, and just be available to listen. After dinner that night there will be another session. On the last morning after breakfast there will be one last session, then its off for a half a day of fishing and a closing ceremony.

There are trained medical personnel at each retreat to handle any emergency, and there is no pressure on the particpants; they set their own pace and goals for the retreat. While it is easiest to attend a retreat in your local area, we have had particpants travel clear across country to attend retreats out of their area. As a man, I know the value of these retreats and would strongly encourage any man who is now dealing with or has in the past dealt with cancer to seek a retreat out and participate. Check out the Reel Recovery website at http://www.reelrecovery.org/ to see the 2011 retreat schedule and to find out how you can participate.