FAOL has gone through many various looks over the years. I should know, since I discovered FAOL, back in October of 1997, only a couple after FAOL came online.

The newest front page of FAOL, is a great improvement, that for some might take sometime to become comfortable for some.
The Listing of archived "Fly Of The Week" articles has been greatly improved, instead of being listed by quarterly, is now by yearly with the addition of author to the Fly Pattern Name listing. I was happy to assisted Ron in the FOTW make-over. Since I have all the FOTW articles on my computer.

Ron Tidd is doing a excellent job of updating the appearance of FAOL, helping members of the site to find what they are searching for, as FAOL archive listings are updated.

More improvements are in the works, but few realize, just how much fly fishing related articles are in the archives. Thanks to the submissions by members of FAOL over the past 13 years, this site is the #1 reference for Fly Fishing in the world. I have also helped Ron, with "Just Old Flies and stuff" archive listings of missing articles, that I have on my computer.

I am working on a new companion "Feature Section CD", to go with to the "Fly Tying CD", that I offer free of charge to members of FAOL at no cost. I am currently working in the "Panfish" archives....

Now if Ron can only correct the typo in my name, for the Mar 18 2002 FOTW article, from "Seven" to Steven, as I ~Parnelli