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Thread: Muddy Boots

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Richland Center, Wisconsin
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    Default Muddy Boots

    Fishing equaled to a mess in her mind.

    I need to give a little background to begin the story. Recently I have been doing lots of presentations at schools to encourage young people to take up fishing. Along the way I was asked to speak at some nursing homes also. I have spoke at 5 now and have a couple more scheduled. My wife use to work at a nursing home and she thought it was a good thing for the retired folks. She called it bringing the trout stream to them.

    I spoke at a nursing home this morning. The place I was to speak was the chapel area. I always go early to my presentations to make sure everything is set up properly. When I arrived today I went directly to the chapel. The power point equipment was all set up. There was one resident in the chapel. Her name is Alma. She was quite talkative and she gave me some family history.

    Alma started out talking to me complaining that my presentation was getting in the way of her time to pray. I explained to her that I was giving a presentation about trout fishing. She said: "I had my fill of anything fish related from my husband." He died 12 years ago. He was a crazy fisherman. He went out every moment he could fishing. Alma told me "No thanks" and she wasn't going to sit in on the fishing show.

    I really wanted her to see my presentation. I told her that it wasn't only about fishing. There were wildflowers and many beautiful outdoor photos in the show. I worked on her for about 20 minutes and she finally gave in. She shared with me why she had such a dislike for fishing. When she and her husband were first married they were kind of poor. They lived on wild game and anything that swam.

    Her husband Albert would come home from fishing and walk all over the house with his muddy boots. Fishing meant relaxation for Albert but it meant work for her. She would have to clean the house after his nonsense. He cleaned the fish right on the kitchen counter and made one heck of a mess. Alma was always happy when he brought home trout instead of pike because pike meant scales and they were all over the kitchen. He cleaned them and she would always have to follow behind him and clean the sink and the floors.

    By the time he was done cleaning the fish and traipsing outside he was tired and he would just put those muddy boots anywhere he pleased. Fishing equaled mess in her mind. He had asked her numerous times to go along with him. She had gone with him a couple times when they were first married. It just wasn't her cup of tea. Fishing meant wood ticks and usually she ended up muddy and wet.

    She said she ate so many fish through the years she thought she might even grow fins. Alma was a tough sell and was sneering most of the first few moments of my presentation. I directed my attention to the other residents that were watching and made eye contact with them more than Alma. About half way through the presentation I noticed something really odd. Alma's facial expression had changed to a big smile and she was hanging on each word and photo. Near the end she changed her facial expression again. She was wiping away tears and the aides asked her if she wanted to go back to her room. She responded with a resounding "NO".

    My presentation was over and she sat there while I straightened things up and helped put away some chairs. I went over and sat by her and we talked again. She was still weepy. She asked if I had anymore fishing stories I would share with her. I talked to her until it was time for her to go to lunch. She thanked me for coming and the aides were wheeling her away and she looked me right in the eye and tears were flowing and she said: "What I wouldn't give for just one more time to clean up that old fool's muddy boots from my kitchen floor."
    Last edited by spinner1; 06-04-2013 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2


    Len...THAT is an AWESOME story! Thanks for sharing it!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle Tennessee



    I wish I was there, I am glad you shared this story with us and I envy you for having the time to talk and present you're fly fishing and outdoor stories to the elder.

    Great job and I thank you for allowing them to experience the beauty of the outdoors since most cant anymore. When you can bring tears of joy to one eye you know you hit a home run
    Born to Fish...Forced to Work !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    Len, Thanks for the heartwarming story. Just wish these allergies would clear up so my eyes wouldn't get so misty. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Maine, Now I've retired to North Carolina (just south of Fayetteville)


    That must have been an incredible experience for you Len. Thanks for sharing

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA


    What a story. I have been pulling out the kleenix all day now. My Gracie departed less than two months ago. Prior to that she was confined to a wheel chair and I would take my camera when I was fishing or hunting. When I got home we would get together and I would show shots of scenery, fish, ducks or anything I thought she might find interesting. She especially liked the flowers.

    Now when I go to the woods tha camera stays home as I can't bring myself to take it with me. Maybe in the future. If I could only share one more trip with her.

    Thanks for the wonderful story.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA


    Really cool story. My grandma lives in a nursing home and it takes so little to bring smiles to the faces of the residents and some warmth to their hearts. At 103 years old and still with a great memory, my grandma can tell you stories of the time she was a little girl. She taught me how to skin and quarter rabbits and squirrels and how to clean a catfish.
    Thanks again for the story.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Richland Center, Wisconsin
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    Father's Day is coming soon.
    Please visit your father or father figure soon.
    Life is too short for regret.
    When you arise in the morning, think of what a
    precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think,
    to enjoy, to love.
    - Marcus Aurelius

  9. #9


    got to go fishing with my dad just a few times, he was always too busy with work and providing for the family when I was growing up, which he did an excellent job of. After he retired we got to go these few times, the "few" times were due to me getting my career going. Wish I could go fishin' with him now. Have the time and the means, but unfortnately, he passed several years ago.

  10. #10


    Len, that's a great narrative. There's more cool stories and history's in nursing/assisted care facilities than anywhere else.

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