Slot Limits only work, if they are introduced with the understanding, cooperation and approval of the anglers. You can pass a new rule, but without the anglers approval and understanding, the new rule to improve the fishing it will not work.

Slot Limits allow the opportunity for Trophy Fishing, that is in Minnesota, one fish per day (you should be so lucky)!

Slot Limits require, those fish which are the breeding stock for future generations, to be released.

Slot Limits allow those fish that are below the slot to be kept for eating, and allow the option of keeping a "Trophy Fish".

With the heavy demands on our fishing waters, and each body of water having its own unique ecosystem, the slot limits can be tailored to best protect that body of water. This also offers the angler with great fishing, and the opportunity to dream of the Big One!

~ Parnelli

[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 10 March 2005).]