So I was at the local Bass Pro for the free tying class last night, and I showed another guy there for the class my horribly-tied attempt at a Schroeder's Parachute Hopper [url=][/url:2ab63] . Joe, the gentleman teaching the tying class, saw it and called it an emerger.

Now, I know that opinions are like...well, we all know what opinions are like. But it seems to me that an emerger pattern is one that intends to mimic/represent an aquatic insect leaving the nymphal shuck to become an adult insect.

This pattern, though, does not try to represent "an quatic insect leaving the nymphal shuck to become an adult insect."

To the best of my knowledge, it's representing an insect (grass hopper) that by accident or intention wound up in the water and has started to break through the surface film.

Am I being too literal, here, or would ya'll agree that calling it an emerger pattern is wrong ?

[This message has been edited by MikeZRed (edited 20 April 2006).]