Marco, what the fresh anchovy is to your palate is what the gin is to mine.

That said, I love a vodka martini from time to time. I know, I know, the purists are crying foul and rending hair from scalp at this, but call it whatever you like...I'm a fan.

Anyone else prefer the older method of not being afraid of the vermouth? In older recipes, ratios as much as 1:6 or even 1:4 vermouth to gin were called for. I can't say I like quite that much...and often because of the Churchill philosophy, the vermouth in many places is past its prime...but if the vermouth is good...I'll order a vodka martini (top shelf), perfect with a twist (of lime) and tell them not to be afraid of the bottles of vermouth.

Any other fans of the vodka corruption of the venerable martini?