Today I picked up my first split cane fly rod. It's a rod that looks to be in decent condition, though it has been restored by someone. The cane itself seems to be clean and free of any sort of flaw, and the wraps are tight and complete. Unfortunately, whoever restored it failed to include any information as to line weight rating.

I just have a few questions for the community: are there any warning signs to watch for as far as excessive wear on the rod? I don't want to take it out and break it because of some sort of wear and tear that I missed. Secondly, without any line weight information, I'm planning on starting off trying it with my DT1F line and working up from there. I have a few lines to try in 1wt, 2 @ 3wt, 2 @ 4wt, 5wt, 6wt, and 2 @ 7wt, though, from having cast a few boo rods before, I'm fairly certain that this is a 3, 4, or 5wt.

Finally, is there any advice or information you have for a new boo owner? Tips for care? Casting or fishing advice, etc? Prior to this, I've only owned graphite and a few glass rods.

Thanks in advance.