Live within 10 miles of the Vernon, VT reactor and often wonder/worry about safety. Three mile island, Japan, Chernoble and other incidents all happened for different reasons. All are explainable, but in the end accidents do happen. My fear is not of the nuclear explolsion but of the radiation leaking as we are seeing in Japan now. Daily we hear about new small leaks from the Vernon reactor and frankly I am not confident that we can control this forever. I think that all energy methods have draw backs. Hydro dams prevent our fish from spawning, wind power is often in the flight pattern of migratory birds... What we need to do is use less and I do wish our collective wills would push this issue.

All in all my heart goes out to those in Japan. I cannot imagine a country that would suffer more from a nuclear disaster. I know how ever present the issues of nuclear disaster were in Japan based on the results of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
