
I would think that smoking the brats first would open them up, since they do "sweat". Unless they are encased in Gortex - then they will probably only let moisture out! LOL!!! My 2 cents worth is all just conjecture - no facts -just thinking out loud tis all. I have no culinary experience to back up my statement, other than I once made toast (2 slices!) and they didn't come out to bad - although I'll probably "cook" something that involves an easier recipe next time, like poached water or steamed air! LOL!!! Bon jovy, or is it bon appetit? Hold on a sec here - Marco, you are taking them out of the plastic wrap they're shipped in - aren't you??? Geesh, and I thought I didn't know anything about cooking. I learned after the first time that I made toast, that you have to take the bread OUT of the bread bag! Funny that the instructions didn't mention that! Did you know that plastic melting in a toaster can smell up your whole house. It's true! Take it from me, I learned the hard way!!!

Best regards, Dave S.