The last couple of years I have been looking for wide, webbed hen hackle for tying visible parachute dries. Unable to find what I was looking for, I called Denny Conrad at Conranch Hackles because of what I have read here at FAOL. Denny was a wealth fo information and once I described what I was looking for, he offered me and unsaleable hen cape in white that might work. He also asked what kind of dry hackle I used and I mentioned being a fan of Whiting. He said he would send me the hen cape and a sample saddle in size 8 and 6 if I would reimburse him the shipping (that is, he said IF I liked it!). Well, I liked both and reimbursed him for the shipping and will be placing a legitimate order with him this season.

Denny has set the bar really high for good service and he has made a believer out of me!

The first fly is the wide rounded tip feather that I like because when wet it doesn't fold up and look skinny. It maintains a pretty wide profile on the water.

This second fly is using a little narrower feather from farther down on the cape that still shows a good profile.