If available for the Blackberry format, Google Mobile App is a great tool. It contains "voice search" which allows you to say, for example, " fly fishing ", and it'll open links in Google to that subject. Also "photo search" which lets you take a photo of something and if information regarding THAT photo is in the data base, it'll tell ya what it is. I use mine, on Apple iPhone4, as a spelling aid. Just say the word and it'll show you the correct spalling,definition and correct pronunciation. It also
"identifies barcodes, products, famous landmarks, storefronts, artwork, business cards, and print ads".
As far as these devices in general, I can and do operate ( when away from home) my entire business via a Quickbooks with my iPhone. AND as an added benefit I can also view my grandkids photos or videos if I have a free moment. I am not a techy junkie but these devices are AMAZING and much more than just an expensive phone.
