Quote Originally Posted by melk View Post
Many thanks to all! Keep the suggestions coming! I did a bucktail this winter that turned out fine, so this will be my foray into feathers. The whole bird is now in the freezer for its' "kill the bugs stage", then I'll skin it and try the Borax. Did the salt the last time, because that's what I had!
Thanks all! Any other thoughts - keep'em coming!!
If the freezer actually killed the bugs they would all die out in northern climes... The freezer does NOT kill much other than adult bugs and nymphs... It is the eggs that survive freezers easily. They do not survive the chlorox in the wash water. Last fall near Tok we found a road-killed moose carcass crawling with bugs. Last winter Tok had a stretch of at least a couple weeks colder than -50 and it bottomed at below -80. If that won't kill a bug, nothing will!