Legislating rubber soles will not reduce the transportation of invasive species from one location to another. Anyone who believes that they only travel on the soles of our wading boots is living in a dream world. The only solution is to completely disinfect your boots and waders (yes, the little buggers get into your wader seams and gravel guards) after every trip to the water, and the likely hood of the average fly fisherman doing that is about the same as the likely hood of finding intelligent life on earth (almost zero).

This is what I call "feel good" legislation; the people who pass it can point to it and declare that they "really, really care" about the environment. Manufacturers can spout about how environmentally friendly their products are, and the people who fall for the line of male cow byproducts can feel good about all they're doing to protect the environment. Again, if you want to protect the environment then disinfect after every time you're on the water!