I guess we didn't see this coming?? LOL It seems like someone is trying to corner the market on a specific rubber product, that's supposed to be "as good as" felt. Seems like Korkers may be the way to go if traveling from place to place, since you can change the type of sole of your boot. The funny thing about these "aquatic hitch hikers" is that they don't just stick to felt as many of you know. You got to scrub your boats, waders, take the laces out of your boots and bleach them pink. Another option is to freeze all your equipment after use since most of these little suckers die off below the freezing point.

I thought I also heard that government officials (fish and game, ect.) and rescue personal are allowed to use felt soles so they won't slip while they rescue people forced to wear the alternative. It's kinda like the cell phone law here in Oregon, it's OK for some but not for the rest. Not that I condone cell use while driving, just a comparison. I guess you can only claim ignorance to a certain point. Might as well velcro felt to the sides of your boots, and like Cold you can find other Loopholes.