I have been "Paying Forward" most of my life. When I found FAOL back in October of 1997 I knew a gook thing when I saw it!

Back then I was a raw newbie without any knowledge about fly fishing, and nobody to be a mentor.

There is no other site on the internet that is like FAOL!

That is why I have been loyal to this website, even through times of difficulties and miss understandings.

My experiences as a trainer of soldiers in the U.S. Army, has helped me help others to succeed when success did not seem possible.

My Beginner's Only Fly Swap, has been a way of paying forward, for all the help that Al Campbell gave me, in both fly tying and fly rod building. I will always treasure the 3 days I rode with Al in his station-wagon at the 1999 Fish-In. I appreciate the dedication of Deanna Travis's idea of this website, that is so unique. I knew back in October of 1999 that this site was goning to be something very special!

Paying Forward for the help and kindness shown me by others..... ~Parnelli