Forest Gump was right about the "Stupid is, as stupid does!" I forgot to remove a unopened can of "Dr. Pepper" from my Saturn VUE, and over-night the temperature dropped below 0 degrees F. I went out to my vehicle the next day, and found that the Dr. Pepper had exploded all over the front seats of the vehicle, the vehicle controls and switches, the inside of the wind shield, the steer wheel and all the front panels.

What a mess!

Took me a long time to scape all the frozen fizzy stuff off of every thing, including the slot in the CD player for the CD. Brushed it all onto the floor mats and shook the mats off off outside. I had to go inside to warm up a couple of times before the job was complete.

So let everyone know that unopened aluminum soda pop cans are now consider explosive devices when left out in the car interior when the temperature drops down below zero degrees F. ~Parnelli