Thanks Doc,

This article kindled to flame some very fond memories I hold from my years as a young fly fishing enthusiast. Specifically I recall a small feeder creek to the Middle Fork of the Boise River. I was fortunate enough to participate in a horse pack trip up that creek with a boy scout troupe one summer. I brought along a five piece fly rod and some Renegades, Ginger Quills and hoppers and caught fish after fish in water you could hop over just about everywhere. Some of them were up to 12 inches, which surprised me greatly. A few were rainbows, but most were Dolly Varden. Beautiful fish. Since then, I?ve drooled any time I see a small creek in the mountains, cascading down through rocks from tiny pool to tiny pool, or sliding with a slight rustle through tall meadow grass alive with hoppers. The fish are more likely to be wild, because they plant the bigger streams, which means that these trout are beautifly colored and sassy as a spoiled kid. As you noted, they are also mostly free of human competition. I love them.

Great article.
