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Thread: new dubbing

  1. #1

    Default new dubbing


    Now the water is frozen (Also in Holland) I've been a bit creative at my fly tying room.
    And made some new dubbing and it is really easy to make new dubbing with a few materials.
    What do you need.
    A blender (for this example I've used an old coffee mill which was used for grinding coffe beans)
    some woolen thread from my wife, a bit of polypropylene thread (which was intended for making carpets) and a bit of holographic dubbing what I've used for this example.
    here are some pictures of it how it is made, and in the last picture is shown an example of a fly tied at an gamakatsu f22 hook.
    easy, cheap, quick and exactly in the colour you wish to make.
    Take your advantage with it!

    here's an example of some dubbing

    And an fly where the dubbing is used for making the body.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Very pretty fly. Isn't it fun to experiment with different dubbing materials and an old coffee grinder. I now have so many different dubbing blends that I need to use large compartmented boxes to store it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Jim Smith

  3. #3


    Interesting and very nice final color!!!!! Just make note of how much so down the road you can duplicate it, or should I say "dubb-licate it...LOL
    My favorite pattern too...Love the Klink.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    Thanks for sharing that with pictures. I have been doing this for quite some time. It really is fun to play with different colors of material to see what you end up with. The important thing to remember is to cut the material short. No longer than maybe 3/8". If you cut it up longer, it tends to get wrapped around the grinder blade. Most people think the coffee bean grinder does just that, grind and it does not cut or grind anything up. It breaks up the coffee bean and when you blend material it just tears it up and blends all of it together. Always remember to write down how many pieces of each material and what it was that you put into the grinder so that you will be able to mix more of the same color. If you go to some places that sell carpet you can get carpet samples to keep and they are free. I also will cut the fur off of rabbit hides, squirrel hides and any other animal hides and this way you can add some color to your rabbit and squirrel dubbing. There have been times when I may be tying up several dozen clousers using coyote fur/hair plus some flash and I make sure my "catch all" basket is clean and empty when I start. Once finished tying up the clousers I will empty the "catch all" into the grinder and blend all the cuttings up. This gives you a very good dubbing which will have the under fur, guard hairs and flash.

    Thanks for posting this. It really is fun mixing up your own dubbing and experimenting with different materials blended together. Take your "homemade" dubbing and put it with your dubbing brush block and make up some dubbing brushes.

    Lots of fun and "kills" a lot of time when you cannot get out to fish....
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Blog Entries


    Very nice color, love the mix.

  6. #6


    Only Jim mentioned how he stores it...I've found that can be an issue when one gets going with lots of different blends

    I use the plastic caps from say shaving cream aerosols or whatever....been saving them for years. The little card board/paper cups for holding water for pill taking are inexpensive and work well. These things are open.... making seeing and choosing dubbing easy.

    What do you all use?

  7. #7


    I'll use zip lock bags for it.
    For all different colours I've got a small card is inserted with the necessary information (handwritten) about the dubbing.
    quite simple and for me the most easiest way.

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