
My favorite material is probably natural seal's fur. I really like the translucent nature of it. It has long fibres, so you get a really nice shaggy dubbing, etc. It can be a bit tricky to dub, but once you get used to using it, it's great.

I'm not a fan of foam, and I admit, I've not even tried it! I know the flies are highly effective, but for some reason it just doesn't "look right" to me. The flies just don't appeal to me, and I like to fish the flies that do. I don't think foam is wrong or bad and that nobody should use it, but rather if I'm going to tie a fly for myself then I want to tie one that catches me more than the fish.

More experience with? Probably silk threads. I really like the few spools I have. Trying to track down a local source, but so far no luck. Will do eventually though.

- Jeff