Here in Kirksville, Missouri there is a pond called Spur Pond. On November 1st, the MO Department of Natural Resources stocks it with trout and it is catch-and-release only until February. Well, today, about an hour before sunset, my boyfriend and I went fly-fishing! It was SO COLD and my fingers were numb but I caught THREE RAINBOW TROUT! I only have pictures of two of them, the second fish I caught was so big that Chris had to run up and scoop him out of the water because I couldn't get him up myself, but he wriggled out of my hands right before Chris could take the picture! I was so worried that the fish hurt himself since he landed first on a rock but I was crouched down and he went right in the water and took off, splashing me in the process!

Here is what i think about trout - they are all muscle! They are so strong and wriggly and flexible, it's astounding! And they are so so pretty! And they fight so well!

Here are my pictures!

first trout20101101.jpg
