I remember reading some where in the state of Oregon you could brew up to 5 gallon if it was for personal use legaly, I do remember haveing some fine home brewed stuff form here in the PWN once many years age lol and if I do remember right it was made by an old okie out of a copper pot still he made in the farm shop of lead free matrail, the fellow even had chard oak barrels he aged the stuff in for at least 10 years or 15 , he had like 15 or 20 cast and he would not serve any till it was at least 10, I do know he had one at that time a good 15 he was hangin on too till his oldest daughter weding it was 15 years in the cast she was 15, I always wndered how that turned out, I know brewed it when she was borned with that entention.