Turns out this is one of those personal preference things for which there is no universal "right" answer. It has been discussed many times on this board and on others. In fact, JC himself, recommended you always try casting without a reel at all before you committed yourself to an opinion.

Personal casting (or carring and casting) technique has as much to do with it as anything. Distance casters would just as soon have no reel at all except it is required by the rules. Reason? You have to use energy to move the reel and that takes away from what ultamately ends up in the line. Some recreational casters, especially on smaller streams, use a lot of wrist and like a heavier reel to counter balance the rod tip (since they are rotating a lot at the wrist). People who have stronger wrists and tend to keep the wrist straight have a lower instant center of rotation (down at the elbow or lower) and prefer lighter reels.

So do whatever suits you. There is no universal correct method. I prefer the lightest reel possible. That is less tiring for me, especially on big water or salt. I like boo on little streams with a little tiny reel. I never worry about balance.
