Casting left handed:

The Home page has a nice photo of Ladyfisher practicing her left handed casting, which is something that 90% of us should do, the other 10% are already left handed so they should practice right hand casting.

A number of years ago I injured my right shoulder. It was damaged enough so I could not cast with my strong arm, ie: right handed. So, rather than give up fly fishing, I started practicing casting with my off hand, my left hand. It took a while but I finally got so I could lay down a dry fly line within a couple of feet of my target at 60 to 70 feet. For a couple of years that is all I did was cast left handed. Now I cast mostly right handed again, and I must admit my left hand casting has suffered. This photo reminds me that I need to keep up my practice casting with my left hand, because there are many times when it would be better to cast that way than cross the rod across your body to make a cast.

Larry ---sagefisher---