I went out Sunday afternoon knowing where I fish I needed to be seriously considering climbing the bank up to my pickup by 6 p.m. (they will begin generating up stream at 4:55 p.m.) At approximately 1:15 p.m. hot and sweaty from the 3/4 mi. hike with gear on my back in 90 degrees with humidity, I ease into the 50 degree water. Two beadhead soft tied on I get several hits, catch a fish but allow myself to succumb to the temptation of trout dappling the surface. Get out the 3 wt., parachute adams and black ant combo, one take the adams, several tease as I allow the easy current to take me downsteam, stopping to hang on to a log with my fins to hang in place. The black ant was not the cure all is usually is change to a timberline emerger which results in meeting a few curious youngsters. One like it so much he decided to keep it. Probably the coolest trout in his neighborhood with a new prieced upper lip this morning. Several youngster brought to the tube and released with a quick twist of the hemostats. All in all not my best day, certainly not my worse. Floating in cool water in July in Georgia is a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Really amazing to see only a handful of anglers on 3/4 miles of a river in the suburbs of a city with approx. 5mm people in it. Too bad there are no fish.