Threeday,Pillcaster,Bill,and John once again thank-you for the info! Pill caster that link definitely hit a soft spot with us. Eating good bbq is something akin to religion in this particular household. Threeday thanks for the link, most helpful. Bill that last comment made me laugh, I do not have enough fingers, toes, or memory space to recall all the times that I have been "flipped by a fin". John thanks for the link and the camping info. We were suprised to read on the national park site that there was no electric available. I joked with the wife ( she has sleep apnea and can rattle windows loose on neighboring houses with her snoring ) that we could leave the mace and handguns at home because she will have scared the wildlife in the whole county without her sleep machine. Thanks again to all for the information you are making the planning of this trip less stressful!

God Bless,