When I started tying, Santa Clause brought me the basic tools I needed to get started, after that, birthday, Easter, school year end gifts consisted of material, gift certificates, etc. Not only did I get a great gift, I could wander the hall at the the local shop and ponder my purchase and get what I needed. After 30 years, I am still doing this.

I have a 9-year old who has been at it for about 3 years, a 7 year old for 1 year and a 5 year old who sits on my knee to hold the feathers. Pretty soon I won't need to tie anymore, just let the production line go at it..... I got them a good quality vise and good quality pair of scissors, those are two things I spent the extra on, the rest comes as necessary (most of which is not needed). Even if I didn't tie, I would pick up materials as needed and stay away from kits.

Enjoy, it is a hobby that will last a lifetime......

You never know, you might get interested also, I have had alot of father and son combos sit at my fly tying table when I teach at the Fish and Game club.