I purchased three of them when they were $8+ each. Now he has lowered price to $6+. Anywhoooo.....is there a way to make this a glow in the dark rod? Or...does one NOT want a glow in the dark rod for night fishing? I dunno. I am going to do some night fishing but have never done so. Fixing up my little 8' hard boat with lights and such. I furled a leader out of Wal-Mart glow in the dark thread. Don't do this. It will not turn over. No matter how I, or a friend tried...it just collapses at the end of the cast. Is it possible to be cheap....down and dirty....and just glue the guides on, slip heat shrink over the guide foot (single foot guides) shrink it....and then coat it with rod bond? Or will these either not function well or not last very long?

Thanks for posting link Kaboom. I didn't even think about it. Actually....I was thinking not too many people would be interested in them.