Now that I have my CCW permit I always carry when doing anything outdoors. I'd rather be prepared for the worst than wishing I'd brought it with me. There have been a few black bear sightings around Ohio lately, but not enough to concern me much while out fishing. Like other's I'm much more concerned about human threats than animals but it doesn't hurt to be prepared either way. If I lived in bear/cat country I'd opt for something with a little more stopping power but for my current location there isn't much I'll encounter that 11 rounds of .40 S&W won't deter. Avoiding confrontation with animals or people is always the best approach but sometimes it can't be helped and I'd rather be safe than sorry. There was a short story in the latest Field and Stream about a 15 y/o who was hunting elk with his father, they split up, and a mountain lion approached him. He shot it when it got within 15 yards and the wildlife officials deemed it a justified shooting since big cats don't generally show themselves unless they are hungry. The possibility is always there that a predatory animal will come after you, so always be aware of your surroundings.