So I have to get new boots for next year for myself, my lovely spouse and my two sons and maybe an extra pair for air travel. Damn. Five pair of boots in one year and I don't even know if I trust rubber soles. To complicate it, I run with some canoers who frown on metal cleats in their royalex canoes. What do you all think of the security in free stone streams of rubber without cleats or studs? How about the greased bowling ball streams? Must have studs? Are they as secure as felt with studs? I have used studded corker sandals over boots in the Salmon River, NY and the Saranac River, NY and was steady enough. I fish around a bit and hate to fall. I do use a wading staff most of the time. It sounds to me like the home equity line of credit is likely going to be screaming on this one for six/seven hundred bucks. Ouch! Any ideas to lessen the pain and keep me out of the drink?