FAOL community,

After reading through people's posts, one term I can't get an adequate understanding of is that of "presentation".
For example:
"a dry fly upstream / dead drift presentation and a wet fly down and across presentation"

I think I understand the first presentation to mean that the writer cast a fly that stayed on the surface upstream, and let it drift down like it was a dead bug. (dry fly = terrestrial, right?). The second one I am not sure of except that it was cast downstream and the fly went under water. I thought you had to change lines for that?

Also, what are the pros/cons of upstream vs. downstream? What are the risks you run with either of those? Why would you choose one over the other and when?

Also, what are the different terms for retrieving the fly so as to entice the fish and ways you can "reel" a fish in? (Though I know you don't actually reel it back, but pull it)

I am sure this seems like a huge overwhelming multitude of questions, and I suppose that is somewhat how I am feeling in regards to all this new terminology I don't yet understand. But if anyone has any links to good tutorials, articles, or PICTURES, they would be much appreciated. I am a very very visual learner, so if anyone knows web sites which show visually the differences in these concepts, that would be ideal.

And please don't feel like you need to respond to every single question. Each little tidbit helps and I am grateful for them all!

Thank you!
