Loan my backup rod... Quite frankly my policy is don't loan things you can't afford to loose. If there is a possibility it will get lost then no I would not. In some situations where that person will stay fishing where I am and I can keep track of the rod I might consider it. That goes for broken if broken means I have to shell out beaucoup money to replace. If my backup rod were a $25 rod and I did not vause it, then sure I'd loan it. As for Ray's attitude, I've seen his "backup" rods. I'd sell my first born for almost any one of them.

As for the Norwegian coach, is his job to get his team on the podium or is it to teach them to compete on the highest level with good sportsmanship. I think the olympics has loses the olympic spirit when people think of winning as the end-all to competition. My favorite athletes are those who obviously give their best effort. Seeing people who get silver of bronze medals whine because they did not get gold makes me mad. The issues is did you do your are best? How did you compare to others doing their best. Equipment failures should not (if possible) cause someone to loose the chance to perform at their best.

All praise to those who compete to be there, even knowing that winning will never be a reality.
