I don't know if I posted this before or not. I made this last December, but then moved right after Christmas. This got burried in fly stuff during move.

I was sitting in traffic one day and the car in front of me had a dream catcher hanging from his rear view mirror. I must have been subconsciously thinking of fly tying because the thought just popped in my head. Tie a dream catcher on a hook. the rest of the way home I was trying to come up with ideas on how to make a circle with out breaking a hook. I ended up epoxying 2 1/0 hooks together to get the most round circle I could. After the epoxy set up. I used a dremel with a grinding die to smooth it and true up the circle. Tying the rest was relatively easy. Floss, thread, round tinsel, hackle tips beads and the web in the catcher is a heavy waxed thread about size A.