Whiting CDL is a pseudo CDL and not the real thing....... Genuine CDL comes from spain and costs about 5 - 7 Euros for a plume of around 12 single feathers. (They are plucked from between the shoulders of a live bird NOT from the neck, so therefore cannot be obtained as capes or necks as Whitings supply!) Genuine CDL is a beautiful feather.

To get back on topic after my rant.......... Probably the cost of genuine Coq De Leon is higher than Microfibbets, although I agree if you can get it its well worth the cost. I use synthetic paintbrushes. You can find them in various shades from black, grey to a light olive colour. I catch fish (sometimes); not sure if I would catch more using the packets of microfibbets sold in fly tying shops or not. I think they are more designed to catch fly tiers and am sure someone is sat with a bucket load of cheap paint brushes cutting them up and packing them into tiny packets and making his or her fortune!