Well...I just walked in the door from my first eventful day for stockers this season. I learned that they just stocked my local Quarry yesterday. I stopped by today after work, not expecting to see anyone else there, and to my dismay there was a ton of people there. I got out of the car and walked over to hear them talking about the stocking truck being there just yesterday morning. After seeing a few rainbows landed on powerbait, I decided to get my fly rod out of the trunk of my car. I had a nice little slightly shallow spot to fish because everyone else was casting a hundred yards out into the middle of the pond(everyone knows that the furthest cast catches the most fish, right?) After only three or four mintues and about three casts, I landed a nice little thirteen or so inch rainbow. This was pretty much my first time still water fishing for trout. I landed about three or four more, when I had a really nice hit. I cast out and stripped my line through the same spot a few more times, after a few casts, I had him on!! I was pretty excited to see that it was a golden!! I've never even seen one of these before, and it was a site to behold. One of the guys came running over and asked me if he could have it, and I just released it back to the water. He didn't get upset or anything, but he did come over to my spot to try and catch him(her?)again. I proceeded to catch two more rainbows, and one more golden trout for a total of nine fish!! I know I'm using the exclamation mark quite a bit here, but this is the first time I've ever caught trout in the stillwater, and I think I really like it. Well, hope fully I'll get some pictures real soon, and maybe even a couple of the golden trout. Have a nice night, and tight lines!!