This morning set the decoys out and placed my back next to a fence row. About 15 feet behind me was a thick patch of wild roses. Along comes a flight of speckled belly geese and yours truly takes dead aim, pulls the trigger and one of the specks collapses right into the middle of the roses. I could see the bird laying in the thick, thorny, blankedy blank bushes and thought it was dead. I decided to go retrieve it. Lucky I had on my heavy coat as the thorns were sharp - like real sharp!!. Got to the bird, blood dripping from a cut on my hand and from one on my cheek. Reached out to grab it and the #$%&^% crawled away. I crawled after it and this scenerio was repeated twice. I finally managed to grab a hind leg and yank it out of the bushes. Other than that it was a fun morning.
