i watched a video on youtube last night of a young fella doing a very sloppy job of tying a thingamabobber into the thorax section of something resembling a stimulator, then adding 2 sets of rubber legs tied in madam x style, and hackling it parachute style. clearly, imagination isn't dead. the stimulator is fairly new, the thingamabobber is only a couple of years old, and this hybrid of an indicator fly (which he called the high floating hi-viz october caddis but someone else had dubbed the "stimicator") is a frankenstein's monster of the 2.
i got an email last night from a self-taught female fly angler from idaho who makes a cast backward over her casting shoulder upstream with a curve back toward the bank to get around obstacles and achieve the drift she wants. she wanted to know what this cast is called/if it has a name. clearly, creativity and ingenuity are not dead.