Don?t really know how to cast? Okay, we can fix that. The very best short explanation of the casting motion and method was done by my late husband here: HOW TO CAST. The very best way to use it is to print it out, take it outside with you and your rod. Follow the instructions. Just do it. It works.

I have not been bashful about admitting my casting sucks. I can use all the help I can get.

Seeing the link above looked promising.

That link is a great article on getting your rear out and helping others learn to cast, but does not tell me anything about how to cast. So... I went to the link at the bottom of the page for Castwell's archives. Found the title of the article, "How to Cast" twice but the links are broken. Then I went to the search function. Search on "Castwell how to cast", click on drop down for "Match ALL words" First 3 links go to the archives listing for JC where the article in question is listed twice with broken links. Tried the search again putting "How to Cast" in quotes since some search engines use quotes to force a search for the phrase. Got the same results as before. I went through the first ten results with no luck. I would think it should have popped up in the first ten.

I give up. Got a good link? I would really like to read that article. I am sure it is here, and I am sure it is informative and it will probably help me a great deal, but I'll be da***d if I can find it.