Hi there Everyone,

I have a fairly serious need. I'm in need of a digital video camera for filming instructional videos for fly tying for this site. I'll also be using it to record fish-in's that I'll be able to make it to, and instructional fly fishing videos that, if everything works out, I'll be doing with Ladyfisher. I have a Hi-8 camcorder, but the picture quality just isn't what it needs to be.

Here's the catch; I can't afford to spend much right now.

So, if there is anyone out there who has one that they just don't really use, and would like to have it put to good use, please let me know.

Ladyfisher has already given me a "mission" for FAOL, but I don't know if I can let the cat out of the bag yet or not...perhaps you can Deanna if you'd like to let everyone know.

Thank you all so much,