Is this a discussion on the effects of lead in the environment or certain areas banning lead? If its a private lease and they ban lead, fine, I don't have to fish there. If it is a public area and the PUBLIC votes on it, fine, I don't have to fish there.

The effects of trace amounts of lead in microhabitats are inconclusive at best and statistical results can be interpreted however one wants to interpret them.

Fact: If an animal ingests sufficient quantities of lead, it will probably die.

Theory: The use of lead products (i.e. hooks, wire, etc.) releases toxic amounts of lead into the water table. How long does the product need to be submerged? How trace are the amounts released? How long are these amounts viable in the environment?

Much of the "information' given on the internet is supposition. For every article that says lead wire on a hook is bad, another states the data was inconclusive or too small an amount to make a difference.

People will believe what they want to believe. I got a question: If I hunt waterfowl on a pond, I have to use non-lead shot. If I hunt doves onthe same pond, I can use lead?

Hypocrosy:1 Common Sense:0